Saturday, December 27, 2008

My little accident

Last Saturday I went to ice skate with my friends, everything was doing well until I fell down and my right feet got injured. But I didn’t pay attention at the pain and continued skating when we finished my feet got really bad, I could feel the pain, my friend took me to the hospital and the doctor said I had to rest, by the way was my first time in a Hospital!

But you guess I have not done any rest:

1. I went to the Church in Sunday Morning

2. Then I went to Jorge’s Dinner Christmas and after that I went to another party with my friends

3. On Monday the bus from my school left me I had to walk a lot; twice!!!

4. Finally I got rest on Tuesday but at the time my feet didn’t get well I still felt the pain

So do you thing I have to be complaint about my pain? I don’t think, I deserve but I can only say is not my entire fault is because my little accident happened in Christmas season so many dinners and parties.


  1. Poor you!! At least christmas season is almost over! Hope you're feeling better now!

  2. As one says, No Pain No Pleasure. I wish you had a painless time and hope you feeling better now.
    Feliz Navidad

  3. Hahaha Vanessa It's true!! you don't have to complaint about it! What did the doctor recommend to you? you haven't follow the indications... hehe
    well we had fun anyway! I bet you will remember all this moments some day! :)
    Ready for the next big Party? The new year is coming!!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hey girl, be carefull, We need you to be OK for those jumping pictures!

  6. OK Yen thanks to those jumping I got worse :P
    And Yesssss Julie, I am ready for the next BIG PARTY, I hope to be ok for that day!!

  7. Vane, after my proposal I decided I need to take some rest and fun.. let's go ice skate???

  8. Ah, you went to the ice-skating place at the huge stadium at Nan-jing E. Rd? I remember my first time ice-skating. I didn't know how to stop. The wall was my savior - I can't remember how many times I crashed into it.

    Heh... I still don't know how to stop...

  9. i know how was hurt that,,,,
    i went with you to George's house,,,
    i saw you tried really hard to walk,,,,,
    jeffry,i don't know how to stop either,,,,=D

  10. Nice Vannesa!!
    I like your blog, nice!!!
    sorry about your accident.

  11. Hi Jeffrey, yes I went to that stadium, Taipei Arena, is pretty good, I tried to learn how to stop but I never couldn't :(. But it doesn't matter even we don't know how to stop we have fun :)

  12. And you're still not going to rest this New Year's Eve will you? Life is for the living! Pain makes us more aware and alert. See you at Tapei 101 wednesday night!
